By Dirk Groenewald, Executive MidCity Utilities
Stage 2 Water Restrictions Implemented: Tshwane and Johannesburg
South Africa is classified as a water scarce country. We rank as one of the thirty driest countries in the world, with an average rainfall of about 40% less than the annual world average rainfall.
Apart from South Africa being a water scarce country, there are other factors that also contribute to pressure on our water availability.
- Infrastructure failures (pipes, pumps, storage, water purification plants)
- Low or no maintenance
- Growing population
- Water wastage
- Mismanagement by responsible parties
- Pollution
Stage 2 water restrictions entail the following with immediate effect:
- Do not irrigate or water gardens with a hosepipe or irrigation system
- Do not use a hosepipe to clean driveways or patios
- Do not wash vehicles with a hosepipe
- Do not fill or top up swimming pools or water features
Stage 2 water restrictions also bring into effect the implementation of level 2 water tariffs.
To avoid reservoirs running dry, resulting in water shortages and subsequent water supply interruptions, all consumers are urged to assist by decreasing their water consumption and continuing to use water sparingly.
Water saving tips:
- Only flush toilet when necessary.
- Flush with greywater only (water previously used for laundry or shower)
- Take short, start-stop showers. Wet your body, turn off the tap, lather and rinse quickly.
- Do not let taps run for too long or at full flow. Use a cup when shaving, brushing teeth, etc.
- Place a large container in your shower to capture water for use in toilets.
- Only wash what is absolutely necessary.
- Wait for a full load before running washing machines and dishwashers.
- Reuse water to flush toilets.
- Use a broom to clean hard outdoor surfaces and not water from a hosepipe.
- Do not use municipal drinking water for pools, ponds or water features. Fit a pool cover and/or harvest rainwater if possible.
Report water leaks, burst pipes and water abuse to your relevant Municipality, Managing Agent or responsible agency.
For any assistance, investigations and explanations, please contact MidCity Utilities.